Wind Synth For Unity
With my role at the VESL shifting more towards leading the developer team, I wanted to contribute more to the audio side of things since there didn't exist an Audio Programmer role. I decided to start an audio tools/audio utilities kinda package that future Audio Programmers and Developers at the VESL can use. This synthesizer which generates wind sounds with intensity, wind speed, wind resonance, wind amplitude, howl, whistle, and pan controls.
Additionally, I wanted to try my hand at making audio plugins for Unity using the JUCE Framework.
< Code >
The wind sound is generated using random noise signals and a bandpass filter (windFilter).
The cutoff frequency and resonance of the filter are set by the windCutoff and windQ parameters, which are then used to assign the sliders of Intensity and Resonance to the UI.
The filtered signal is then scaled by the amplitude and panned in stereo space using the cos function.
The whistle sound is generated similarly to the wind sound, but I set the cutoff (1000 Hz) and resonance (60) to a fixed value to give that whistling sound.
These signals are scaled by their respective amplitudes, modulated by wind speed (to give a natural-ish effect).
The howl sound is created using a wavetable sine, and I keep it around 400 Hz to give that low howling sound.
Circular buffers for wind speed are updated to capture changes over time.
