As the final project for the Audio Software Development 2 class, a classmate and I collaborated to create a polyphonic synthesizer with a reverb, delay, bit crusher, ADSR envelope, and filters.
My contribution to the project included the GUI and design elements, and the audio effects (reverb, delay, and bit crusher).
The design was inspired by Neo from the Matrix. And yes, our synth knows Kung-Fu.
< Code >
Signal Flow

This synthesizer was built from our existing projects - the polyphonic synthesizer, notch, peak, and Moog filters made by my classmate, and the audio effects by me (Reverb, Delay, Bitcrusher).
Areas to Improve:
Optimize architecture to make it available for use in a daw.
Fix the ADSR envelope (use custom instead of JUCE ADSR class).
Add value ranges for the knobs.
Clicking on the keyboard every time after interacting with the knob needs to be fixed.
Filters caused crashes a couple of times.
Crashing when playing multiple keys.
Look into making the UI more custom by having on/off buttons for effects.